This is one of my favourite songs at the moment. Bruno Mars album Doo-Wop & Hooligans is amazing. Its an easy going - feel good album with poignant songs, sung effortlessly by Mars and showcases his songwriting ability.
Its an album mostly for the ladies but hey I aint complaining, am one of them after all.
Check out: Grenade
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
I Got a J.O.B
Looks like someone obviously read my dear J.O.B letter and decided to give me a job. Thank you God. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh finally am a working lady (not that kind lol).
I had my first day today it was fine albeit a bit slow to begin with but then again it was my first day, so was to be expected. One thing, that is really irking me is the fact that I finish super late. I got the shock of my life when I found out I finish at 6pm (I start at 9am in case your wondering) ... the job is quite far from my house so now you can begin to understand my conundrum. Wow I have never worked this late before. First time for everything I suppose. Further to that am the only girl in my office so am surrounded by testosterone which is not too bad, although it would be nice to have some more oestrogen in the office in case I need to talk girl stuff. But what the hell; guess am just going to have to live with it.
Now that I have a job , I probably will be writing less frequently so please bear with me am doing my best.
I am overly tired though so forgive me if I can't write properly.
I had my first day today it was fine albeit a bit slow to begin with but then again it was my first day, so was to be expected. One thing, that is really irking me is the fact that I finish super late. I got the shock of my life when I found out I finish at 6pm (I start at 9am in case your wondering) ... the job is quite far from my house so now you can begin to understand my conundrum. Wow I have never worked this late before. First time for everything I suppose. Further to that am the only girl in my office so am surrounded by testosterone which is not too bad, although it would be nice to have some more oestrogen in the office in case I need to talk girl stuff. But what the hell; guess am just going to have to live with it.
Now that I have a job , I probably will be writing less frequently so please bear with me am doing my best.
I am overly tired though so forgive me if I can't write properly.
I haev to strat slepeping ealry form now on cos i hvae to be up rellay earlry in oredr....................................

Monday, 4 October 2010
WTF Moment Of The Week.
50 Cent is supposedly DATING. Yes I said DATING CHELSEA HANDLER.
Can we all say WTF, GTFOH,ROTFL, LMAO.
Whatever happened to Ci-Error.
This must be a joke. Ahh you got me, I'm being Punk'd.
Can we all say WTF, GTFOH,ROTFL, LMAO.
Whatever happened to Ci-Error.
This must be a joke. Ahh you got me, I'm being Punk'd.
X Factor - Ramblings
- WHAT Cheryl you choose the Madonna wannabe over Gamu. she didn't even finish her song WTF
- DANNII how could you not put Paige through. The only good person you have is the Italian Diva. You shall not win :(
- I think Cheryl will win again cos she got Cher and everyone thinks she's different cos she into the lyrical genius himself Soulja boy and everyone like oooooooh she is sooo amazing
- .Ha ha Simon you put two of your creation through to the group stages. Don't actually know why the other people bothered to audition to be fair
- The judges clearly are judging on looks more so than performance.
- Cher please re-draw your eyebrows. The one that you have currently doodled on your face is begging for MERCY
- Madonna Wannabe - Your style is not authentic , give it up already your trying too hard. That umbrella just annoyed the heck out of me. Go sit down somewhere.
- Cheryl those boots you had on your feet were simply disgusting. You should know better.
- X factor has really annoyed me with some of the choices.
- Simon Cowell is a genius , Saturday's X Factor is going to be the highest rated show ever mark my words. Its probably all staged
- Twist - We all know what that means...... Gamu or Treyc will be back
- Mr Cowell will be rolling in dough come Saturday. Everybody will be watching the X factor. This show is so staged, the producers are amazing!!
- DANNII how could you not put Paige through. The only good person you have is the Italian Diva. You shall not win :(
- I think Cheryl will win again cos she got Cher and everyone thinks she's different cos she into the lyrical genius himself Soulja boy and everyone like oooooooh she is sooo amazing
- .Ha ha Simon you put two of your creation through to the group stages. Don't actually know why the other people bothered to audition to be fair
- The judges clearly are judging on looks more so than performance.
- Cher please re-draw your eyebrows. The one that you have currently doodled on your face is begging for MERCY
- Madonna Wannabe - Your style is not authentic , give it up already your trying too hard. That umbrella just annoyed the heck out of me. Go sit down somewhere.
- Cheryl those boots you had on your feet were simply disgusting. You should know better.
- X factor has really annoyed me with some of the choices.
- Simon Cowell is a genius , Saturday's X Factor is going to be the highest rated show ever mark my words. Its probably all staged
- Twist - We all know what that means...... Gamu or Treyc will be back
- Mr Cowell will be rolling in dough come Saturday. Everybody will be watching the X factor. This show is so staged, the producers are amazing!!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
C'est Amour

Sonnet 130
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;This is a sonnet written by William Shakespeare that I fell in love with at 15 years old mainly due to the fact that I had to spend many painstakingly hours analysing it for my English GCSE. It is very honest and simplistic. It shows us that beauty (by whatever way you choose to define it) is not the be all and end all. William's mistress is hardly a goddess but he loves her nonetheless. Personality and having a genuine connection with the one you love is far more important when it comes to matters of the heart ; after all if you don't find your partner the least bit engaging, funny, warm, personable and your best friend then why are you even bothering?
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

It is refreshing to read a poem that isn't lovey dovey and gushing. It is frank and truthful and for that ,Sonnet 130 remains one of my favourite sonnets ever written <3<3<3
Sunday, 26 September 2010
iwant iwant iwant
My shoe game would be on point if I had the Tiff shoes. I can guarantee that I would turn heads with these shoes on my feet. I'm thinking that shoes could potentially be my christmas pressie. So if anyone wants to get them for me I would be forever greatful. PLUS they are only $200 , not bad for these bad boys. They are worth the money. These shoes are the Tiff Shoes by Natischa Harvey and has been worn by many celebs including Raven Symone and Dawn Richards.
(photo courtsey of
They are delectable. Am offically having shoe fever. iwant iwant iwant
(photo courtsey of
They are delectable. Am offically having shoe fever. iwant iwant iwant
Friday, 24 September 2010
Nothing Comes Between Me and My Calvins!
For your viewing pleasure and mine.
Its Friday so what better way to kick start the weekend then to drool over some sexy men in the underwear.
Have fun salivating over Kellan Lutz (Twilight), Japanese football player Hidetoshi Nakata,
Mechad Brook ( True Blood) , and Spanish tennis player Fernando Verdasco.
(pictures Courtesy of Calvin Klein)
Its Friday so what better way to kick start the weekend then to drool over some sexy men in the underwear.
Have fun salivating over Kellan Lutz (Twilight), Japanese football player Hidetoshi Nakata,
Mechad Brook ( True Blood) , and Spanish tennis player Fernando Verdasco.
(pictures Courtesy of Calvin Klein)
My Love Letter to the 90s
You know how everyone always claims that their decade was the best like oh the 60s was really swinging, oh and the 70s was groovy baby and the 80s was booming....... well the 90s was off the chain!
The 90s was electric, rocking, swinging, grooving and all other colloquiums that you can enunciate. The 90s was truly one of the best decades ever. It marked the start of what I feel is the true technological revolution. We had the cassette-based Walkman, the big ass mobiles, Sega Mega Drive, emails and all other cool gadgets. The science and technology of the 1990’s paved the way for the lifestyle that we take for granted today.
As a 90s baby I must say that it was simply one of the best time of my life. I was young,wild and carefree. I was oblivious to the the burden of life. A Wily kid with no worries , no cares , only interested in playing stuck in the mud or British bulldog. Playtime was epic! and school dinners was the highlight of the day. This was before Jamie Oliver came and ruined school dinner for ever (some of you may disagree but school dinners must really suck now ).
The 90s was the dawn of a new era. Great music, films and fashion faux pas.
Who remembers using the relaxer tape from the Just for Me relaxer to record the latest songs off the radio? I would run so fast to press record on that tape player that Usain Bolt had nothing on me. Whenever one of my songs came on the Just for Me tape was always ready to go, only for the stupid DJ to ruin my tune by talking over the damn song. KMT. I would have to start from square one and wait another hour for the song to come on again so I could record it without his voice tarnishing it . *sighs* Life of a 90s child all play no work.
The 90s music was real music, not like that fake ringtone mess that qualifies as music nowadays. Artist actually sang with emotions in their voice ( I should say that they could actually hold a note unlike some ahem *Rihanna*). It was not about the bling bling or kissing girls because they liked it..... although I secretly jam to this tune. It was about emoting your feelings and singing over a kick ass beat.The 90s gave us Jodeci, Boys 2 Men,The Spice Girls, Mary J Blige, 3T my first celeb crush... Taj was the lick he was TIC (90s slang for gorgeous). It was a simpler time back then , people were actually in love and did not rush to do the horizontal conga. But nowadays we just get straight to the point right " I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love . So come give me a hug if you into getting rubbed". Ahhh the joys of dating in the Millenium LOL
I remember rocking skirt with trousers, bubble bags, platform shoes, pedal pushers and all sorts of stuff that should have had me arrested for crimes against fashion. But no-one really cared in those days. it was all about having fun with your style and expressing yourself. We have the Spice Girls to thank for that. GIRL POWER!
oooooooh I must digress i'm too excited. The 90s had the best kids TV shows. I would literally run home from school to catch CBBC and CITV and tune into Arthur, Hey Arnold, Goosebumps, Are you afraid of the dark , I could go on and on but am sure you would get bored eventually. Back then kids TV show was innovative, fresh, exciting, and dare I say it... Watchable. Nowadays kids TV has gone down the drain. Bring back FUNHOUSE *sings theme tune*
Fresh Prince, Hang Time, Saved by the Bell, Student Bodies, City High...... all my fave TV shows that made me feel grown up and taught me about the birds and the bees. You helped ease my transition from a child into a teenager.
The 90s was electric, rocking, swinging, grooving and all other colloquiums that you can enunciate. The 90s was truly one of the best decades ever. It marked the start of what I feel is the true technological revolution. We had the cassette-based Walkman, the big ass mobiles, Sega Mega Drive, emails and all other cool gadgets. The science and technology of the 1990’s paved the way for the lifestyle that we take for granted today.
As a 90s baby I must say that it was simply one of the best time of my life. I was young,wild and carefree. I was oblivious to the the burden of life. A Wily kid with no worries , no cares , only interested in playing stuck in the mud or British bulldog. Playtime was epic! and school dinners was the highlight of the day. This was before Jamie Oliver came and ruined school dinner for ever (some of you may disagree but school dinners must really suck now ).
The 90s was the dawn of a new era. Great music, films and fashion faux pas.
Who remembers using the relaxer tape from the Just for Me relaxer to record the latest songs off the radio? I would run so fast to press record on that tape player that Usain Bolt had nothing on me. Whenever one of my songs came on the Just for Me tape was always ready to go, only for the stupid DJ to ruin my tune by talking over the damn song. KMT. I would have to start from square one and wait another hour for the song to come on again so I could record it without his voice tarnishing it . *sighs* Life of a 90s child all play no work.
The 90s music was real music, not like that fake ringtone mess that qualifies as music nowadays. Artist actually sang with emotions in their voice ( I should say that they could actually hold a note unlike some ahem *Rihanna*). It was not about the bling bling or kissing girls because they liked it..... although I secretly jam to this tune. It was about emoting your feelings and singing over a kick ass beat.The 90s gave us Jodeci, Boys 2 Men,The Spice Girls, Mary J Blige, 3T my first celeb crush... Taj was the lick he was TIC (90s slang for gorgeous). It was a simpler time back then , people were actually in love and did not rush to do the horizontal conga. But nowadays we just get straight to the point right " I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love . So come give me a hug if you into getting rubbed". Ahhh the joys of dating in the Millenium LOL
I remember rocking skirt with trousers, bubble bags, platform shoes, pedal pushers and all sorts of stuff that should have had me arrested for crimes against fashion. But no-one really cared in those days. it was all about having fun with your style and expressing yourself. We have the Spice Girls to thank for that. GIRL POWER!
oooooooh I must digress i'm too excited. The 90s had the best kids TV shows. I would literally run home from school to catch CBBC and CITV and tune into Arthur, Hey Arnold, Goosebumps, Are you afraid of the dark , I could go on and on but am sure you would get bored eventually. Back then kids TV show was innovative, fresh, exciting, and dare I say it... Watchable. Nowadays kids TV has gone down the drain. Bring back FUNHOUSE *sings theme tune*
Fresh Prince, Hang Time, Saved by the Bell, Student Bodies, City High...... all my fave TV shows that made me feel grown up and taught me about the birds and the bees. You helped ease my transition from a child into a teenager.
The 90s I salute you! I am honoured to have been born in this great decade. Where's all my 1990s babies at:
' Throw your roadies in the sky .Wave 'em side to side and keep their hands high'
' Throw your roadies in the sky .Wave 'em side to side and keep their hands high'
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Ooops my blogging game has slacked recently I do apologise. I have been a bit busy of late applying for jobs and stuff and when am not doing that, am generally just being a lazy bum. I do apologise to all of you out there who are waiting for another post, it will soon come.
Hope your all having a blessed month.
XOXO (ooh Gossip Girl is back on our screens : MUST WATCH TV )
Goodnight people
Hope your all having a blessed month.
XOXO (ooh Gossip Girl is back on our screens : MUST WATCH TV )
Goodnight people
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
I heart New York by Lyndsey kelk is just one of the many reasons why i want to visit the Big Apple.
I want to walk down Manhattan, party in Harlem and chill in Brooklyn.
Of course I want to do the whole am a tourist look at me with my camera thing, but best of all I just want to be in NYC and say that I have been there and LOVED it :)
Someone should really sponsor me. It has been a longing of mine to visit this great city but alas I have no funds.
New York, New York, I cry. Come to me. I want to experience it all: the landmarks, cafe, boutiques and the infamous yellow cab.
I want to walk in the footsteps of Blair Waldorf on the Upper East Side and be a gossip girl loitering around the Met steps. I want to breathe the New York air whilst oogling the fine American Specimen. The accent is truly sexy *fans self*
New York, New York you stole my heart at 'Empire State of Mind' - Concrete jungles where dreams are made of , there's nothing you can't do, now your in New York.
I want to walk down Manhattan, party in Harlem and chill in Brooklyn.
Of course I want to do the whole am a tourist look at me with my camera thing, but best of all I just want to be in NYC and say that I have been there and LOVED it :)
Someone should really sponsor me. It has been a longing of mine to visit this great city but alas I have no funds.
New York, New York, I cry. Come to me. I want to experience it all: the landmarks, cafe, boutiques and the infamous yellow cab.
I want to walk in the footsteps of Blair Waldorf on the Upper East Side and be a gossip girl loitering around the Met steps. I want to breathe the New York air whilst oogling the fine American Specimen. The accent is truly sexy *fans self*
New York, New York you stole my heart at 'Empire State of Mind' - Concrete jungles where dreams are made of , there's nothing you can't do, now your in New York.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Scott Pligrim vs The World
So........ went to watch Scott Pligrim vs the World the other day ( Monday to be precise) and well it was unsual, different from the norm. I found myself liking this movie, although am not particularly sure what it is about the film that i liked the most.
Here's a quick rundown of the storyline:
Here's a quick rundown of the storyline:
- Boy meets girl
- Boy falls in love with girl
- Boy must defeat the girls' evil exes (not Boyfriend just exes) in order to continue dating the girl.
The fight scenes are executed perfectly. I liked the use of the video game style of fliming, complete with extra lives and coins scattering everywhere whenever Scott KO'ed an opponent.
The flim is odd, quirky, fun but overall DIFFERENT.
So go watch and see for yourself :)
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Proposition 8 no H8
For those of you that do not know , Proposition 8 is a Californian amendment which restricts same sex marriage. It has garnered world wide attention from the opposition for being archaic, unjust and going against the declaration of independence that:
"All men are created equal"After all, are we not all free to love????????????
Thou shall not judge. The end of days is near!
*Blink* * Blink* actually LMAO (for real) :) :):):):):):)
I know that the subject matter in this news report that am about to show you is very serious, but please forgive me for thinking that i was being punk'd. This is one of the greatest interviews ever given. Its unintentionally funny, bold and really induces a real LMAO moment. RUNANDTELL DAT Homeboy :)
AND if that wasn't enough to get you fallin of your chair, get belly cramps from laughing too hard, and running to tell your neighbour what you have just witnessed........ then feast your eyes on the remix. Yes the remix. proof that anything can be made into a joke nowadays :)
AND if that wasn't enough to get you fallin of your chair, get belly cramps from laughing too hard, and running to tell your neighbour what you have just witnessed........ then feast your eyes on the remix. Yes the remix. proof that anything can be made into a joke nowadays :)
Dear J.O.B
Dear Sir/Madame
Date: 4th September 2010
Position Applied: All (am desperate)
Full time
I have been applying to the many positions advertised on various websites from: Guardian jobs to But I have yet to succeed. My CV has been revamped more times than Rihanna has had hairstyles. My covering letters tweaked and preened within an inch of their lives. Am I doing something wrong.
You have been missing from my life now for nearly a year. I miss you. Well not you per se, but the financial security that you provide. HOWEVER, you continue to elude me as if I was some common thief in the night. Have I done something to offend you?
If so then please tell me, that way i can lie on my CV and tell you all the things that you want to hear. I just want to make it right.
I have been at university on a four year course just to please you. Ensuring that I am equipped with the right knowledge and skills that will meet the required needs of your workforce. Was it all a waste of time?
I know that there are millions and millions of your kind out there right now, but I wish to find the right one. The dream J.O.B, the one that everyone craves.
A want a J.O.B that will allow me to travel the world. I want a J.O.B where am not going to be chained down to my desk and be asked to make coffee and do mundane tasks everyday. a J.O.B that is flexible and realises that me and early starts are not the best of friends. In fact we are mortal enemies. Death to the AM starts. I want a J.O.B that has cool and interesting people around. A J.O.B that will afford me the luxury to buy new Clothes, Shoes, Car, House and all the little wonders of this great world. A J.O.B that will make use of my education, after all i did not spend half of my life reading books and writing essays only to end up as a check out girl down the local supermarket. I don't think that's asking for too much.
I just want you to meet my requirements and I am sure that we will get on like a house on fire. You invest in me and I will invest in you. tit for tat. Its a dog eat dog world after all. I just don't want to end up like those people who despise their J.O.B.s. Therefore although you are taking your time to go through my application, I know that people's rejection is God's protection and that the right J.O.B is on the way soon.
But please hurry J.O.B because I am extremely broke. I don't know for how much longer I can hang on. If your testing me to see how faithful and devoted I am, then by all means do. But for the mean time can you please send a rich bloke down my way to keep me afloat until you get here because JSA (Job Seekers Allowance) can only last for so long.
I apologies I did not mean to take that tone with you. Take your time and consider me for any suitable position within your establishment.
Yours Faithfully,
Jay Bee
Date: 4th September 2010
Position Applied: All (am desperate)
Full time
I have been applying to the many positions advertised on various websites from: Guardian jobs to But I have yet to succeed. My CV has been revamped more times than Rihanna has had hairstyles. My covering letters tweaked and preened within an inch of their lives. Am I doing something wrong.
You have been missing from my life now for nearly a year. I miss you. Well not you per se, but the financial security that you provide. HOWEVER, you continue to elude me as if I was some common thief in the night. Have I done something to offend you?
If so then please tell me, that way i can lie on my CV and tell you all the things that you want to hear. I just want to make it right.
I have been at university on a four year course just to please you. Ensuring that I am equipped with the right knowledge and skills that will meet the required needs of your workforce. Was it all a waste of time?
I know that there are millions and millions of your kind out there right now, but I wish to find the right one. The dream J.O.B, the one that everyone craves.
A want a J.O.B that will allow me to travel the world. I want a J.O.B where am not going to be chained down to my desk and be asked to make coffee and do mundane tasks everyday. a J.O.B that is flexible and realises that me and early starts are not the best of friends. In fact we are mortal enemies. Death to the AM starts. I want a J.O.B that has cool and interesting people around. A J.O.B that will afford me the luxury to buy new Clothes, Shoes, Car, House and all the little wonders of this great world. A J.O.B that will make use of my education, after all i did not spend half of my life reading books and writing essays only to end up as a check out girl down the local supermarket. I don't think that's asking for too much.
I just want you to meet my requirements and I am sure that we will get on like a house on fire. You invest in me and I will invest in you. tit for tat. Its a dog eat dog world after all. I just don't want to end up like those people who despise their J.O.B.s. Therefore although you are taking your time to go through my application, I know that people's rejection is God's protection and that the right J.O.B is on the way soon.
But please hurry J.O.B because I am extremely broke. I don't know for how much longer I can hang on. If your testing me to see how faithful and devoted I am, then by all means do. But for the mean time can you please send a rich bloke down my way to keep me afloat until you get here because JSA (Job Seekers Allowance) can only last for so long.
I apologies I did not mean to take that tone with you. Take your time and consider me for any suitable position within your establishment.
Yours Faithfully,
Jay Bee
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
@ I hate Kat Stacks
For those of you who do not know who the hell Kat Stacks is... well your in luck I am here to inform you about the latest industry bike that has been around the block more times than DMX has been arrested.
Kat Stacks is trying to be 2010 new Superhead aka Karrine Steffans . Superhead is a video ho (excuse my derogatory language but a spade is a spade and a video ho is a video ho), who became famous for being the master at all things oral hence the moniker superhead. I guess this is who Kat stacks is trying to emulate.
If you want to see how Kat Stacks looks like then just google her lol
Kat stacks looks like she needs a well deserved shower and church in her life.
Now I digress..... fast forward a few months and Ms Stacks is the new IT girl on all the blogs. This old bird claims to have been with half of Young Money (you really wanna claim them. okay den), Fabolous, Bow Wow and just recently she extended her 15 minutes of fame by allegedly stepping out with the lyrical genius himself Soulja Boy. She filmed him in a hotel room with some sort of white substance that we are led to believe is coke. So Soulja Boy might be a coke head who knows.

(This pic right here is a shambles)
Now we all know that some rappers nowadays are not the sharpest tool in the box BUT seriously even after all the noise that has been surrounding Kat Stacks rappers are still trying to get into her knickers. They must be paying her for publicity or something because I can't understand why anyone would want to even go near this rotting pigeon.
Her Twitter name says it all really:, obviously she has no love for herself and thinks that sleeping around is the only way that she can stack paper. She seems like a lost little girl who really needs supportive people round her to slap some sense into her, sit her down and explain to her the meaning of dignity and self-love.
For any girl/women reading this, please do not follow the example of Ms Stacks, YOU are worth so much more and there are other more dignified ways of making money then selling yourself to the highest bidder. For all you RAPPERS or MEN out there please get it a clue, if not then be sure to WRAP it up before going near Kat Stacks.
Kat Stacks is trying to be 2010 new Superhead aka Karrine Steffans . Superhead is a video ho (excuse my derogatory language but a spade is a spade and a video ho is a video ho), who became famous for being the master at all things oral hence the moniker superhead. I guess this is who Kat stacks is trying to emulate.
If you want to see how Kat Stacks looks like then just google her lol
Kat stacks looks like she needs a well deserved shower and church in her life.
Now I digress..... fast forward a few months and Ms Stacks is the new IT girl on all the blogs. This old bird claims to have been with half of Young Money (you really wanna claim them. okay den), Fabolous, Bow Wow and just recently she extended her 15 minutes of fame by allegedly stepping out with the lyrical genius himself Soulja Boy. She filmed him in a hotel room with some sort of white substance that we are led to believe is coke. So Soulja Boy might be a coke head who knows.

(This pic right here is a shambles)
Now we all know that some rappers nowadays are not the sharpest tool in the box BUT seriously even after all the noise that has been surrounding Kat Stacks rappers are still trying to get into her knickers. They must be paying her for publicity or something because I can't understand why anyone would want to even go near this rotting pigeon.
Her Twitter name says it all really:, obviously she has no love for herself and thinks that sleeping around is the only way that she can stack paper. She seems like a lost little girl who really needs supportive people round her to slap some sense into her, sit her down and explain to her the meaning of dignity and self-love.
For any girl/women reading this, please do not follow the example of Ms Stacks, YOU are worth so much more and there are other more dignified ways of making money then selling yourself to the highest bidder. For all you RAPPERS or MEN out there please get it a clue, if not then be sure to WRAP it up before going near Kat Stacks.
Lyrical Nonsense
"Its mister steal yo girl" - Bottoms up by Trey Songz
REALLLY. Trey *blank stare*

"Have a baby by me; baby. Be a millionaire " - Baby by me by 50 Cent
huh okay then. You rappers can't complain that the girl tried to trap you. Look at Nas situation, kelis is taking him to the cleaners.
"Teach me how to dougie" - Teach me how to dougie by Califonia Swag District
The whole song is WACK. The dance is SHAMBOLIC. Can we get back to making real music again. I blame Soulja Boy for this movement.
"This right here is my swag. All the girls are on me, damn. Everybody pay attention.
This right here is my pretty boy swag" - Pretty boy swag by Soulja Boy
The lyrical genius himself, Mr pretty boy lol. I can't lie the song is bloody catchy, but the lyrics are virtually non-existent. I guess Soulja Boy was to busy with Kat Stacks after all "Girls on my dick when I pretty boy swag" LMAO
Monday, 30 August 2010
The Power of WORDS!!!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
by Marianne Williamson
Hope you have gained some inspiration from it.
by Marianne Williamson
Hope you have gained some inspiration from it.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
To Blog or Not to Blog That Is The Question!
Sooooooooooo I haven't written anything for a couple of days been mad busy running errands and generally lying in my bed stuck down with the dreaded cold. So now that i'm ill it seemed liked the right time to slow down and write something, anything just something.
I'm bored being at home all the time at least when I was at uni I had some sort of routine but now that I have finally graduated I find that the days are just so long and meaningless. I really should try and do something each day like exercise, apply for jobs or something... something.... random totally unexpected but what.
My nose hurts it's all congested I cant really think properly I breathing like Darth Vader it's not very pretty. So I think for today am going to lie here and be lazy and maybe tomorrow inspiration shall hit me and I will be back to blog another day.
I'm bored being at home all the time at least when I was at uni I had some sort of routine but now that I have finally graduated I find that the days are just so long and meaningless. I really should try and do something each day like exercise, apply for jobs or something... something.... random totally unexpected but what.
My nose hurts it's all congested I cant really think properly I breathing like Darth Vader it's not very pretty. So I think for today am going to lie here and be lazy and maybe tomorrow inspiration shall hit me and I will be back to blog another day.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Soooo the Wedding is OVER. was fantastic and i'm very proud to have a new bro in law.
I'm knackered, my bones are creaking, hangover ,need sleep but extremely happy that everything went well.
There where a couple of speed bumps along the way but we overcame them as a family, well done to all of us.
There's no rest for the wicked because on Wednesday I am on my way to Brum land i.e. Birmingham for those of you that don't know, to finally get on stage and get my degree.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH Graduation day here I come. It has been a long 4 years and its finally going to be over.
Exciting stuff :)
WHOOP WHOOP (thumbs up)
I'm knackered, my bones are creaking, hangover ,need sleep but extremely happy that everything went well.
There where a couple of speed bumps along the way but we overcame them as a family, well done to all of us.
There's no rest for the wicked because on Wednesday I am on my way to Brum land i.e. Birmingham for those of you that don't know, to finally get on stage and get my degree.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH Graduation day here I come. It has been a long 4 years and its finally going to be over.
Exciting stuff :)
WHOOP WHOOP (thumbs up)
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married
So this time next week I shall be the only un-married women in my family. I should highlight that I mean my immediate family. Things are not that drastic just yet.
Both my sisters will now be someones other half - whilst I will remain the property of my parents.
Its actually quite daunting to know I will be the 'SPINSTER' of the family. Not exactly a title that I relish. I loathe the word spinster but alas that is what I shall be. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
On the other hand I am the youngest girl so its only right that both my sisters are betrothed before me as it would go against type right...
Weddings in general are a lot of hassle as I am slowly but surely finding out. It's one big headache after another. One big explosion of colour scheme and seating charts and please don't get me started on 'The DRESS'. Wow I never realised how one dress can dictate the whole outcome of one's future.
'The Dress' must be 'The Right Dress' it must be 'The Perfect dress'. It has to be all these things and then some. One morsel of fabric out of place and world war 3 starts.
If this is what I have to look forward to then maybe I should be thankful that it isn't my wedding just yet. I refuse to turn into a bridezilla which is what all women become once they put a ring on it.
Above the Law
A lot of celebs seem to think that they are above the law and can do whatever , whenever and its not going to catch up to them ... Well think again Ms Lohan cos your going to prison 90 days to be exact.
If it was any 'normal' individual being charged with the crimes that Ms lohan has commited , they would most probably have got a more severe sentencing than 90 days.

But we all know the world is not fair.
She'll most likely spend a few days maybe a week in prison before she is released (think back to Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie).
So even though your off to jail Lindsey I wouldn't cry about it. You'll be out in no time.
If it was any 'normal' individual being charged with the crimes that Ms lohan has commited , they would most probably have got a more severe sentencing than 90 days.

But we all know the world is not fair.
She'll most likely spend a few days maybe a week in prison before she is released (think back to Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie).
So even though your off to jail Lindsey I wouldn't cry about it. You'll be out in no time.

My love for Louboutins is inexplicable. Although I cannot yet afford these beauties with their tantalising red soles I yearn for them like never before.
The craftmenship of every Christian Louboutins shoe is just extraordinary. To own a pair will simply be divine.
If anyone is at a loss as to what to get me for graduation then look no further than these. Yes they will probably set you back 400-1000 pound but is my love not worth it.
To quote Fergie '' Mary Janes' Lyrics (substituted Mary Janes for louboutins)
When I wear - my Louboutins shoes
I can escape - from a blues
The whole world seems a little bit brighter, brighter
My heavy steps get a little bit lighter, lighter.
Wooh my Louboutins's
Mr Songz
Okay anyone that knows me knows that I am an avid fan of Trey Songz. Dunno why I like him so much but I did prefer him more when he was first entered the scene and released 'I gotta make it'
Now that he has the recognition that he has worked hard for I find that each day my love for his music is not as strong as before. I'm not sure why...... maybe its because I wanted to keep him all to myself instead of sharing him with the world. But ... such is life.
He is a very good artist and his got a good musical ear. He has however started to get a bit too repetitive for my liking. Yes SEX is all around us but can we please get the Trey back who tapped into throwback soul and stole my heart in I Gotta Make it.

Trey Day and Ready were very good albums......
But Trey you dont have to lose your old skool appeal in order to go Global.
Keep doing your thing. I respect your hustle nonetheless.
Trey Groupie :)
Now that he has the recognition that he has worked hard for I find that each day my love for his music is not as strong as before. I'm not sure why...... maybe its because I wanted to keep him all to myself instead of sharing him with the world. But ... such is life.
He is a very good artist and his got a good musical ear. He has however started to get a bit too repetitive for my liking. Yes SEX is all around us but can we please get the Trey back who tapped into throwback soul and stole my heart in I Gotta Make it.

Trey Day and Ready were very good albums......
But Trey you dont have to lose your old skool appeal in order to go Global.
Keep doing your thing. I respect your hustle nonetheless.
Trey Groupie :)
The Misfortunes Begins
Well so now I have a blog where I can vent and finally let out my true feelings. It has been a whirlwind couple of months of highs and low and all that malarkey. Sometimes I really do feel like the unluckiest person in the world. I have never particularly gotten everything I wanted..... yeah I got good grades and stuff but how much is a piece of paper really worth if you haven't truly lived.
I once quoted from Maya Angelou that I knew why the caged birds sings but in all honesty I do not have any clue. I think I am still figuring it out, trying to find my identity, ME.
I know who I think I am but I aspire to be soooo much more. I'm hopeful that it will all come to me in good time.
But alas ... this blog is not about me getting all philosophical and stuff. It's just a way for me to express myself and air out my feeling about anything from Clothes - Boys, Family - Friend anything that I am feeling at the specific moment in time when I decide to pick up my laptop and BLOG .
So if you like - tune in if not buzz off this is not for you LOL
Jaybee signing off . Over and Out.
I once quoted from Maya Angelou that I knew why the caged birds sings but in all honesty I do not have any clue. I think I am still figuring it out, trying to find my identity, ME.
I know who I think I am but I aspire to be soooo much more. I'm hopeful that it will all come to me in good time.
But alas ... this blog is not about me getting all philosophical and stuff. It's just a way for me to express myself and air out my feeling about anything from Clothes - Boys, Family - Friend anything that I am feeling at the specific moment in time when I decide to pick up my laptop and BLOG .
So if you like - tune in if not buzz off this is not for you LOL
Jaybee signing off . Over and Out.
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