- Hell 2 Da No! - self explanatory it just means NO not going to happen or I don't think so.
- Bargain Kama Sutra - when you bag yourself a bargain. I know its random, I have very random friends.
- Fuck a Duck - now am not sure where I picked this one from but its one of my go to phrases whenever I am angry or upset or whatever
- Thousandaire - Thanks to Luvvie (click on her name to check out her hilarious blog). Before you become a millionaire you need to be a thousandaire.
- Nignorance -self explanatory not sure where I got it from
- Am I Dumb - used when someone is trying to take you for a mug.
- That's whats Up! - Amercanism, gotta love the Yanks
- No Homo, Pause - use this when you're complimenting someone of the same sex i.e "girl you look good no homo"
- Swag - oldie but a goodie. Swag can literally mean anything you want it to mean, be it good or bad.
- Fine Boy/Girl No Pimple (delete as appropraite) - for a sexy brother or sister you may come across or even yourself.

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